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Is the Talent Guilty?[edit]

After the admission by Johnny & Associates of sexual assault by Johnny Kitagawa at a press conference on September 7, 2023, there was intense bashing in the media, not only against Johnny & Associates, but also against talents affiliated with Johnny's.[1] Then there was a fierce clash between the opinion that “the talent is equally guilty”[2][3] and the opinion that “the talent is blameless".[4][5] ITmedia Business Online reported on the issue, "The case of Johnny's Associates is complicated because the head of the office sexually assaulted one of its talents and the entire office covered up the fact for many years, in this case. It is clear that the talent is innocent, and for the sponsoring company to stop using the talent is not a sanction against the firm, but a threat to the talent's life. On the other hand, if the sponsoring company continues to use the talent, it will benefit the troubled firm and endorse Janie Kitagawa's criminal acts and the firm's cover-up.", they analyzed.[6]

This led to a particularly divided response among the broadcasters.


NHK said in a statement that they took the matter seriously, and that they would "work harder to ensure that human rights are more respected in the broadcasting industry" when it comes to using performers who best fit program content and production. The public broadcaster added that it did not fully acknowledge the sexual abuse matter despite various weekly magazine articles about the allegations and a Tokyo High Court ruling in 2004.[7] A few weeks later, NHK announced that it would suspend new contracts with Johnny's performers–including for their annual New Year's Eve television special Kōhaku Uta Gassen–until the company has implemented compensation and recurrence prevention measures, while current contracts with such talent would continue to be honored.[8] On November 15, NHK, a public broadcaster, after a press conference, one of the major changes in programming was announced. NHK's Media Director General, Hiroo Yamana, announced that the program "The Shōnen Club", a long-running program featuring talent from the station's Johnny & Associates that had been running since 2000, would overcome a drastic change. The program, which was hosted by and with performances from members of trainees (Johnny's Jr.), renamed New Generation! (ニュージェネ!), and accepted talent from other agencies. Adding to this, "The Shōnen Club Premium" was renamed, to "Premise!"(プレミセ!), and it's content reviewed.[9] These programs were broadcast from the end of December, but it was announced that they would cease broadcasting at the end of March 2024.[10] In February 2024, the company announced a strict policy of terminating the appearance of talents formerly affiliated with Johnny & Associates on its programs and not allowing them to appear on new programs after FY2024.[11]

Commercial broadcasters[edit]

On the other hand, the four commercial broadcasters with numerous regular programs are taking a flexible stance, allowing the talent to continue appearing on their programs while keeping a close eye on the response from their offices.[12]

Fuji Television[edit]

On September 7, 2023, Fuji Television Hideaki Tatematsu, head of the programming and production bureau, responded, “There was no problem with the talent on the program, so we will continue to cast the talent as before.[12]

At a regular press conference on September 29, President Koichi Minato stated that sexual assault is unacceptable and asked the company to consider changing the name of the company and separating the company in charge of victim relief from the company in charge of managing the talent.[13] The company also asked the office to consider changing the company name and separating the company in charge of victim relief from the company that manages the talent.[13] Regarding the future use of the talent belonging to the company in programs, President Minato said, “We will make an appropriate decision while confirming that measures for victims are being steadily implemented.[13]

Entering the year 2024, it was reported that four programs featuring former Johnny & Associates's talent will end at the end of March 2024 “based on a comprehensive judgment”.[14] At a regular press conference on February 16, 2024, Toru Ota, the managing director, said, “We have heard that compensation for victims of sexual assault is progressing and that the new company, Starto Entertainment, will officially begin operations in April. For our part, we are willing to cast new talent from the former Johnny's Office if the compensation issue is progressing".[15]

TBS Television[edit]

20 September, 2023, TBS Television (Japan) President Takashi Sasaki stated, “We will continue to closely monitor trends in the improvement of the human rights environment (on the part of Johnny & Associates),” and added, “In the meantime, there will be no change in the current contracted talent who are performing in the future. We will continue to monitor the situation closely,[16]” he said. Regarding future appointments, he said, “We will make an appropriate decision while keeping a close eye on how the Johnny's will improve human rights and how it will make steady progress in this area.[16] On March 5, 2024, they held a briefing for the press on the April programming lineup and said that it would “continue to solemnly continue” the use of talent belonging to Smile-Up. (formerly Johnny & Associates).[17]

TV Asahi[edit]

On September 26, 2023, Hiroshi Shinozuka, president of TV Asahi, announced that he had asked the office to consider changing the company name, compensate the victims, and take thorough measures to prevent recurrence.[18] He also stated that he did not believe that there was any problem with the talent himself regarding his appearance on the program, and explained that there would be no change in the policy of making a comprehensive judgment based on the program's planned content.[18] On March 8, 2024, a briefing on the April reorganization was held, at which Director General Akihiro Okukawa and General Manager Taichi Kono of the Content Organization Bureau took the stage.[19] They said, "We are not aware of any problems with the talent, so we will continue to make a comprehensive judgment based on the content of the project as we have in the past.[19] I believe that Smile-Up. is in charge of compensating the victims, but I would like to ask that you continue to proceed with this matter in good faith and as quickly as possible.[19] We will continue to monitor the situation closely and continue our dialogue with the office".[19]

Nippon TV[edit]

On September 25, 2023, Nippon TV president Akira Ishizawa announced at a regular press conference that the company had made a verbal request to Johnny & Associates to change the name of the company and reform the organization in relation to the sexual assault by the late former president of Johnny & Associates, Johnny Kitagawa.[20] The company also made a request in writing for the implementation of measures to prevent recurrence and to create an environment that facilitates the activities of the talents belonging to the company, claiming that relief measures for victims are inadequate.[20]

At a press conference on November 27, President Ishizawa revealed that the executives had met on November 24 and confirmed that Johnny's was making progress in its efforts, noting that the compensation details had been communicated to the victims since November 22.[21] Regarding the policy of appointing talents to programs, Executive Director Hiroyuki Fukuda expressed his basic opinion, “We will reconsider once we confirm the progress of the case and the response of the other party, but we will not make any new casting or booking in the absence of such a confirmation.[21] On the other hand, regarding the continued use of his company's talent, he said, seeking understanding, “We have also confirmed that Smile-Up is making progress in dealing with the victims. We may have a different way of thinking than NHK.”[21]

At the regular press conference on April 22, 2024, President Akira Ishizawa explained that he is continuing dialogue with both Smile-up and Starto Entertainment. He said that CEO Atsushi Fukuda visited Nippon TV December of the previous year to explain the progress of the project. He then stated that he was aware that the production site had entered the stage of considering new appointments of talents after receiving reports that the situation was progressing steadily.[22]

  1. ^ "ジャニーズの所属タレントにも「連帯責任」はある…ジャニー喜多川氏をわざわざ称賛したタレントの大問題". president.jp (in Japanese). 2023-06-19. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  2. ^ "東国原英夫、ジャニーズ所属タレントに罪はない論に「学校のいじめと同じ、見て見ぬふりしてたら共犯者という時代」". dairy (in Japanese). 2023-09-21. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  3. ^ "所属タレントやOBも同罪!? ホリエモン、「後輩を見殺しにした」ジャニーズ性加害問題で事態の深刻さを指摘". kingsoft (in Japanese). 2023-05-16. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  4. ^ "志らく、ジャニーズ問題"タレントだけ罪がないのはおかしい"に待った「同業者は手を差し伸べてあげなよ」". sponichi (in Japanese). 2023-09-25. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  5. ^ Kenichi Ogura (2023-09-24). "ジャニーズタレントに届けたい、経営の神様・稲盛和夫の「挫折人生を一転」させた覚悟の中身". diamond online (in Japanese). Diamond, Inc. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  6. ^ ""ジャニ離れ"で巻き起こる「タレントに罪はない」論が、まるで見当違いなワケ". IT media online (in Japanese). ITmedia Inc. 2023-09-15. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  7. ^ "NHK issues statement following Johnny & Associates news conference". NHK. 7 September 2023. Archived from the original on September 8, 2023. Retrieved 8 September 2023.
  8. ^ "NHK Suspends New Contracts with Johnny's Talents". nippon.com. Jiji Press. 27 September 2023. Archived from the original on September 27, 2023. Retrieved 27 September 2023.
  9. ^ "NHK「ザ少年倶楽部」は「ニュージェネ!」に変更、内容見直し 総局長「他事務所の方も出演」". Sponichi (in Japanese). 15 November 2023. Archived from the original on 15 November 2023. Retrieved 15 November 2023.
  10. ^ "NHK「ニュージェネ!」「プレミセ!」3月末で終了 昨年末「ザ少年NHK「ニュージェネ!」「プレミセ!」3月末で終了 昨年末「ザ少年俱楽部」などから改名俱楽部」などから改名". modelpress (in Japanese). 2024-02-14. Retrieved 2024-06-02.
  11. ^ "旧ジャニーズ、新年度NHK出演当面なし レギュラー8番組も終了へ". asahi.com (in Japanese). 2024-02-14. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  12. ^ a b "Miyaneya live show article". ytv (in Japanese). 2023-09-28. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  13. ^ a b c "フジテレビ社長 ジャニーズ事務所に社名変更検討を申し入れ". NHK (in Japanese). 2023-09-29. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  14. ^ "フジ、4月改編で旧ジャニーズ4番組を終了と発表 「総合的な判断」". asahi.com (in Japanese). 2023-03-04. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  15. ^ "フジテレビ、旧ジャニーズ事務所所属タレントの新規起用を示唆". hochi (in Japanese). 2023-02-16. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  16. ^ a b "TBS社長 今後のジャニーズタレント起用に言及「出演中のタレントは引き続き出演」". sponichi (in Japanese). 2023-09-20. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  17. ^ "TBS、旧ジャニーズ所属タレント起用「粛々と続けていく」Snow Manの冠番組など放送中". nikkan (in Japanese). 2024-03-05. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  18. ^ a b "テレビ朝日社長 ジャニーズ事務所に社名変更検討など申し入れ". NHK (in Japanese). 2023-09-26. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  19. ^ a b c d "テレビ朝日、旧ジャニ起用継続「タレントさんに問題があるとは認識していない」". mynavi (in Japanese). 2024-03-08. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  20. ^ a b "日テレ社長、ジャニーズ事務所に社名変更など要請". nikkei (in Japanese). 2023-09-25. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  21. ^ a b c "日本テレビ・石澤顕社長「NHKとは考え方が違うかもしれない」旧ジャニーズ所属タレントの多数出演、理解求める". chunichi (in Japanese). 2023-11-27. Retrieved 2024-06-06.
  22. ^ "日テレ、旧ジャニーズ所属タレント起用について「新規の起用を検討する段階」で「個別に判断」". sponichi (in Japanese). 2023-04-22. Retrieved 2024-06-06.