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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hello to you all,

English isn't my native tongue, so I won't edit any Wikipedia articles. I'm Dutch, so 'Dunglish' is the best I can. Why not contribute to the Dutch Wikipedia, then? Well, to be honest, I think it's not worth the effort, the overall quality is far too low.

I'm a professional musician, with a degree in music theory, and that's where I believe I can be of some use; especially non classic music articles contain a lot of amateuristic elements. All I can do is pinpoint them on the talk pages.

Some problems I encounter a lot:

  • Confusion, mixture of analytic an subjective facts (the 5/4 time signature makes this a great song)
  • Adding to the greatness of an artists form an seemingly analytic or objective perspective (He wrote great songs without a formal music education)
  • Misunderstanding of musical notation (thinking it's Math)
  • Same for harmony and counterpoint
  • Presenting a subjective experience as a fact (Everyone hears this or that in this or that song)
  • Misunderstanding classical music (presuming Bach-like chords in a pop song that Bach never would've used)