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User:Crazy Anne

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Dear visitor, Thank you for your concern about Anne's progress. Anne is a mentally-challenged inmate of "Saint God's hospital for the insane", an institute, where she's being trained for integration into society. Her main verbal form of communication is "Eh-eh-eh." The tone varies with the situation. Unfortunately for the institute's director, Dr. Lawrence, she often displays poor progress when being presented to visitors of the institute, such as licking them and touching their face. She's often seen on the phone, where she acts and speaks "normal" but as soon as she hangs up, seems mentally challenged again. Anne also recently appeared on Stars In Their Eyes, singing as Celine Dion. Anne spoke normally when giving clues about who she'd be, but sadly broke down on stage and sung "Eh-eh-ehhh", dropped the microphone and wrecked the stage.