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I'm a mid 20's nerd living in Seattle. I think I setup my first LAN (to play command and conquer) when I was 12. It took me like 3 days. Stuff wasn't soo easy back then! I like to run and am a huge news fanatic. If I was rich I'd get like 50 magazines and 12 newspapers delivered!

Money Interests[edit]

I'm fascinated by money. Not in a greedy way, just in how it affect people's lives (and my own). I'm a stickler for budgeting and wise spending. I'm amazed at how much in debt our society is and especially those in my age range.

Computer Interests[edit]

My dad worked at Intel before anyone knew who Intel was....so I've always grown up around a computer of some sorts.

What I'm Following[edit]

Watchlisted articles

Links I like[edit]