Draft:Friendship Island 2

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  • Comment: Article currently employs Wiki-voice to tease or imply there may be more to this urban legend, which is unacceptable. —CurryTime7-24 (talk) 23:29, 30 October 2023 (UTC)

Friendship Island (Spanish: Isla Friendship) is an urban legend about a supposed island located on southern Chile, in the Aysén region.[1][2][3][4] No evidence of its existence has been found.[5] Along with the Cabo Valdés's case, it is one of the most famous ufological events in Chile,[6][2][7][8] despite the fact that originally the story of Friendship Island had no relation with aliens.[1]

Lots of people have identified it with the Kent Island, also in Aysén, because a part of it goes under the tides.[9][5] However, and due to the lack of evidence, and its fantastical features, it's considered an urban myth, or just a hoax.[10][11] The Chilean media has considered it as a ghost island.[11][7][2]

The Chilean Skeptic Association denies the existence of the island, calling it a hoax and rejecting that it's a part of the Kent Island.[11]


During the 1980s, several Chilean radio amateurs claimed making contact with a group belonging to a foreign religious congregation, settled on one of the islands of the Chiloé Archipelago.[1][12][13] They generally stayed away from other people and their only form of contact with the external world were a radio and a boat.[4][7][14]

According to the stories of the alleged visitors, Friendship Island is located in the Aysén Region, between the Chonos and Guaitecas archipelagos. In the interior of the island there would be a mine of rare metals, whose production would allow to pay the expenses of the religious community. Its inhabitants would be very tall people with Caucasian features.[1][9]

The media impact on the existence of the island, which reached the main Chilean media (including TVN), motivated two search expeditions; one with the support and personnel of the Chilean Navy and another private one. Neither of them succeeded in locating groups such as those described.[11]

During the 2012 Phenomenon, various new age believers and pseudosciences tried to organize expeditions to the area, all without success.[15]

Conspiracy theories[edit]

Given the physical characteristics of the island's inhabitants, ufologists allege that they correspond to Nordic aliens. Osvaldo Murray has claimed that in reality they correspond to a community of former Nazi hierarchs, similar to the case of Colonia Dignidad.[2][12][8][14][16]

Cultural references[edit]

In 2012, the short film ¿Sabe usted sabe algo de la isla Friendship? (Do you know something about Friendship Island?) was presented at the Cannes Film Festival, questioning and reviewing the urban legend of Friendship Island from the point of view of the local inhabitants. It was supported by the Embassy of Japan in Chile.[17]

The first episode of the History Channel series Inexplicable: Latinoamerica was about this urban legend.

See also[edit]


  1. ^ a b c d "Isla Friendship se queda sin su mayor leyenda: Falleció hombre que fue sanado en el mítico lugar". Publimetro (in European Spanish). FayerWayer. 26 November 2019. Retrieved 2021-06-19.
  2. ^ a b c d "Isla de Friendship: extraterrestres en el sur de Chile". Diario El Día (in Spanish). 2013-03-31. Retrieved 2021-06-19.
  3. ^ "La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ¿ovnis o farsa? | Guioteca.com". Guioteca.com | Esoterismo (in Spanish). 2012-01-30. Retrieved 2021-06-19.
  4. ^ a b "Los misterios de la Isla Frienship: ¿extraterrestres en el sur de Chile?". www.tvn.cl (in Spanish). Retrieved 2021-06-19.
  5. ^ a b "EyN: Viaje a la isla de los ovnis". www.economiaynegocios.cl. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  6. ^ backstory (2021-05-27). "Inexplicable: ovnis en Chile y el misterio de la isla Friendship". History Channel (in Spanish). Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  7. ^ a b c "La misteriosa Isla Friendship, ovnis en la patagonia chilena". El Ciudadano (in Spanish). 2016-08-28. Retrieved 2021-06-20.
  8. ^ a b "En busca de Friendship : Viaje a la Isla de los Ovnis". Natales On Line (in Spanish). 2019-08-02. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  9. ^ a b "En busca de Friendship : Viaje a la Isla de los Ovnis". Natales On Line (in Spanish). 2019-08-02. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  10. ^ Sánchez, Crystian. "En busca de la imaginaria Isla Friendship – Escépticos (AECH)" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  11. ^ a b c d Rodríguez Parada, Maximiliano. "EXPERIENCIAS PARANORMALES DE UN SUBTENIENTE" (PDF). Revista de Marina Nº 955 pp. 96-98.
  12. ^ a b "El Noticiero del HuascoLa misteriosa Isla Friendship | El Noticiero del Huasco". elnoticierodelhuasco.cl. Retrieved 2021-06-20.
  13. ^ "La Estrella de Chiloé: Pescador se confiesa: "yo fui abducido"".
  14. ^ a b "La isla Friendship en Chile: el misterioso lugar que estaría poblado por extraterrestres sanadores | Por las redes". Los Andes (in Spanish). June 2021. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  15. ^ "Menor extraviado pretendía llegar a mítica isla Friendship al sur de Quellón | soychiloe.cl". soychile.cl (in Spanish). 25 October 2012. Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  16. ^ "Asegura investigador chileno que Hitler "vivió y murió" en Chile - ElPeriodicoDeMexico.Com". elperiodicodemexico.com (in Mexican Spanish). Retrieved 2021-06-21.
  17. ^ "¿Sabe usted algo de la isla Friendship?". shingoyoshida (in Japanese). Retrieved 2021-06-21.

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