Simon Klose

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Simon Klose

Simon Tobias Viktor Klose (born 3 September 1975 in Lund, Sweden[1]) is a Swedish documentary and music video maker. He holds a masters degree in law from Stockholm University.

Simon is best known for his documentary about The Pirate Bay called TPB AFK. The film made history as the first film ever to open up the Berlinale and simultaneously being released for free online. It became a global viral phenomenon, propelling the story to an audience of millions of viewers.

In 2016 Simon produced and hosted Food Hacking Japan, a short doc TV-series for VICE Munchies on food disruptors in Tokyo.

Simon released his feature documentary Hacking Hate in 2024 as a part of the Documentary Competition at Tribeca. The film follows investigative reporter My Vingren who goes undercover to infiltrate white supremacist movements online. She unveils how social media platforms lie about profiting from hate and examines the threat this poses to democracy worldwide.


  1. ^ Simon Klose on Svensk Filmdatabas (Swedish Movie Database)

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