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I am a college freshman attending Georgia Southern University in Statesboro, Georgia. In high school I was very engrossed in extracurricular activities such as organizations both professional and international and sports. I played football both my junior and senior year. I graduated with a 3.3 GPA, I was ranked 92nd in my class which isn't terrible but definately isn't head of the class material. All-in-all I am happy with my decision to go to Georgia Southern because i feel like its a great school. Georgia Southern is a great school mainly because it gives you the best of both worlds in terms of colleges. I say this because it's a large university in a small town and you can tell that you are at a large university but it never loses that small town feel. The school is also a lot of fun, there's always something going on around campus and the dorms whether it is put on by organizations, fraternities/sororities, or something pre-planned by the school itself. I'm majoring in electrical engineering and in my free time I play flag football which is one of the intramural sports provided here on campus.

math-5This user can contribute with proficient mathematical skills.
This user has a sense of humour and shows it on their userpage.

I Guess You Can Say I Helped[edit]

I haven't really gotten into writing articles yet but I have done plenty of edits in my day. These are some of the articles I've revised or tried to help move forward:

Me + Technology = A Guy With A Lot of Broken Stuff[edit]

I love technology with a passion, as an electrical/computer engineering major I try to stay as up-to-date with new technology as I can. You can tell I definately try to immerse my life in technology, because the way I communicate with almost everyone I know is electronically, whether it's texting, a phone call, instant messaging, email, or social networks if your not electronically reachable we will never hear from each other. I am very proficient when it comes to using Microsoft programs such as Word and Excel, I'm also pretty good at the less utitilized progams like Publisher. I can't say that I don't enjoy recieving non-electronic forms of communication such as a handwritten letter because I do because it seems like no one does those anymore but I definately won't be writing one anytime soon. The only problem with me and technology is that I tend to have bad luck when it comes to it. My curiousity and interest in technology many times prompts me to play around with it and explore it. You know how they say curiousity killed the cat, well my curiousity usually kills anything with a power button. I've broken phones, computers, I've even destroyed a car before without ever putting it in gear. Even though I I'm not the luckiest person when it comes to technology I definately feel like I am one of the more passionate people. Not only do I use technology but I have been trying to create some on my own. For the past three or four years I have been working on my own personal inventions. I'd love to rant and rave about the specifics of my secret inventions but if I did that it would defeat the purpose of calling them secret.

To Edit, or Not To Edit[edit]

During my four years in high school, no matter what class you were in, when we would write a paper or do a project or anything else that required research they all had one stipulation in common. That stipulation was DON'T USE WIKIPEDIA! Wikipedia was the one site on the entire internet that had a taboo put on it by high schools that I attended. The main reason that I was always given by my teachers about why we couldnt use Wikipedia was, "the information is unreliable because anyone can go on there and add whatever they want". I would say that when it comes to using Wikipedia as a reference for a college paper I would have to vote against college norms and say that Wikipedia is a pretty good site to use. In my brief experience with Wikipedia I have found that the information that I usually find is not only abundant but accurate. A lot of people also go against wikipedia because the people who write for Wikipedia aren't paid professionals but I hink this is a good thing. This means that the people posting articles aren't just drones sitting at a desk being told what to do these people are people who have a passion for what they are writing about and genuinely want to share it with others. Personally I love Wikipedia because it gives an even playing field so that whether you're a college professor or an eighth grade student if you are passionate enough and knowledgeable enough about what you are talking about then you can be heard and your information can be shared.

This user believes that adding relevant links is never a bad thing.


I'm a native speaker and writer of American English. I also speak and am able to read basic spanish.

Whatever Shall I Say[edit]

Since this is an area where i can talk about whatever I want I have to talk about my favorite football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers. My entire family is from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania so i think that is why the love for the Steelers is so embedded in me. When I first started watching football I didn't know much about anything so my favorite team was always whoever walked away with the championship that year. As I got older and more knowledgeable about the game overall I started to see why my family use to rant and rave about the Steelers. Now I'm a die hard Steelers fan, I have one of their signature "terrible towels" that I always have with me and wave in the air while I watch them on tv. One of my goals within the next two years is to fly back to Pittsburgh to watch them play at their home field, Heinz Staidum.

This user knows that American football is the only true football.
2Pac This user is still down with Tupac