
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Option 1: Bioorganic Chemistry[edit]

Article title: Bioorganic Chemistry
Article Evaluation
- The article contains relevant information (just very little of it and does not expand on information)
- Most claims have citations (some do not) and the citations are reliable
- The article is written neutrally
- The article does not tackle don of Wiki's equity gaps
- Needs to expand on information and needs more subtopics
Source: Bioorganic chemistry

Option 2[edit]

Article title: Cross Coupling Reactions
Article Evaluation
- The article contains relevant information however leaves out a lot of information/diagrams that could be useful to the points that they are making
- Most claims are backed up with a citation or link to another Wikipedia page however some are missing
- All citations are reliable
- The article does not tackle don of Wiki's equity gaps
- The talk section of the article states that more needs to be added as there are important topics within the article that are hardly or only briefly mentioned
Source:Cross-coupling reaction

Option 3[edit]

Article title: Gabriel Synthesis
Article Evaluation
- The article contains relevant information, however they are missing key information through out the article
- Some claims are backed up with a citation or link to another Wiki page however there are quite a few missing citations
- The citations are reliable
- The talk section mentions that there was very little information on the mechanism which I agree, there are also very few diagrams depicting what the Gabriel synthesis is
- In my opinion a synthesis article should have a lot more diagrams - The article does not tackle don of Wiki's equity gaps
Sources: Gabriel synthesis